What we do

We want to see healthier, more interconnected communities — and many more of them! So, we're offering workshops and courses on topics related to group work, sustainable activism, conflict management, etc. We're also creating a new community, for community builders themselves! The point is to share with each other the challenges and struggles (about moderation, conflict management, engagement, etc.), rather than reinventing the wheel each time.

We study

Community and togetherness, etc.

We get together

Dojos, groups, etc.

We play

If it's not fun, it's not going to work.

Who are the 101s?

Everyone in the community! And the facilitators are:
Picture of second co-founder, launghing, with books in hand



Facilitates magical workshop experiences, builds and strengthens communities and continuously learns about what helps and doesn't.

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First newsletter ready to go 🎉

The very first 101s newsletter is shipping soon! ⌛🎉 In the process, we’re discovering that newsletter composition can be a true art form (not to mention quirky and time-consuming). All this to say that it Read more…
