We’ve postponed this book club. Check here in June for more information.
This is the opportunity to make 2023 the year you open the door wide to joy, peace and connection — by learning about trauma in 101s’ book club and growth community. You are welcome here.
What is this?
It’s a community-of-growth club that will explore, during most of 2023, a topic that touches us all, every single day: trauma.
Imagine yourself in ten years. The opportunity is to remember 2023 as the year you make real progress on what you were stuck on: surrounding yourself with people who support you, tackling addictions (work and shopping are big ones these days ), finding and growing in community, and improving your health, vitality, and the depth of your relationships. And how will you have done it? Whether it’s with us or anywhere else, it’s hard to nearly impossible to achieve if you’re not part of a community of growth: people who show up for you in the brave process of facing and decreasing blocks, and vulnerably going for your true desires. And 101s have designed a community of growth around trauma.
It will go on throughout the year 2023*, and will be focused on learning about, and exploring together how to decrease the grip of trauma — especially in our families, teams, communities, collectives, collaborations. You will have the chance to meet your brave, curious community members every week: the whole group will meet online every two weeks, to discuss materials (a chapter of a book, a documentary, an article), and you will meet your smaller buddy group in the off-weeks (maybe even in person, when possible), to talk about and practice the real-world changes we can all make that will invite joy into the centre of our being and connections.
PS: on the FAQs tab, you can find more specific answers to your questions. Check it out!
What’s up with “growth” in the name?
By “growth” we mean individual and collective improvement, towards the actualization of our ideal selves. When a community of growth works well, each of us starts to feel like the tip of an arrow, flying in the direction of alignment with our most cherished values:
- we set limits that felt too scary to set before
- we find the courage to stand up for others and ourselves against oppressive rules at work, school, and even at home
- we stop doing things that go against our deepest values, like selling our life force for the privilege of paying inflated rents, or delaying enjoyment, rest and fulfilment until a retirement that doesn’t fail to disappoint.
- we forgive
- we ask for what we need, instead of numbing ourselves from the fear of rejection: instead of working ourselves into hospital beds, numbing ourselves with various substances, or scrolling our lives away on our devices, we learn to face the fear inherent in asking for basic needs, like contact, belonging, being seen. We start designing a life of wholesome fulfilment around our humanity, rather than follow blindly following rules.
Now it can make more sense why our growth community clubs are nearly a year long: we take advantage of this time to really build the community that can strengthen and propel us.
What are we reading / watching / listening to?
We will use some of the best tools and perspectives on trauma: the main reading (and the only book we will ask you to obtain) is The Myth of Normal, by Gabor Maté and his son, Daniel Maté. It’s a treasure trove of wisdom, stories and practical advice on turning trauma around, individually and collectively.
Apart from it, we will discuss chapters from two other books around trauma and community:
- Ch. 4, The Architecture of Collective Trauma, in Healing Collective Trauma, by Thomas Hübl
- Ch.5, Storytelling as a Healing Art, in Healing Invisible Wounds: Paths to Hope and Recovery in a Violent World by Richard F. Mollica
- Ch. 7, Social Instruments of Healing in the same book
* from February to December 2023
How is this “growth community club” on trauma different from just reading a book club on trauma?
First, book clubs are great, and we love them! Here we are, in fact, starting with book clubs, and evolving them
We want to make sure that what we read, listen or watch actually makes the best possible difference in our lives and of those around us. How many times have you read something that seemed like it would turn your life around, and somehow forgot about it in a few months? How many times did you understand a deep truth cognitively, but it never found its way into your emotional reactions, into your instincts, into your orientation through life? Guilty as charged, we also went through that many, many times
So, let’s be real: it’s not like the knowledge isn’t already out there, right? There are enough guides for turning our lives and communities around in relation to trauma. What’s hard — really hard — is to put them into practice and stick with them. Right?
That’s why we’re evolving book clubs to generate that rare alchemy that transforms the words we absorb into the thoughts and actions that really make the difference we need. And there’s none of that if we feel alone in the journey! Hence, community: community of learning, community of practice, community of support, community of growth.
“Nadie se salva solo, nadie salva a nadie, todos nos salvamos en comunidad”
“No one saves themselves alone, no one saves anyone, we all save ourselves in community.”
Paolo Freire
We know it might be difficult to imagine the potency and depth of sharing that takes place in the communities we create, and the growth that we go through in front of our eyes. So, here’s how Diana, one current club member, describes how she feels there:
I’ve been thinking a lot about what this book club means to me and i realized is so hard to express it in words, because it became more than a book club.
It is a community where I can learn, grow, find support. Every time i feel I’m procrastinating, every time i feel down, I look through the meetings notes (yes, Mihai and Tiffany take notes, beside preparing questions – a way to keep organized and talk about the most important things from the chapters); all this motivates me to grow as a person.
It’s very important to me how much care they put into the club to make it a safer space, a place when everyone can open and talk about personal experiences or not, participate or not.
I’m grateful i got the chance to be part of something this amazing and special
Growth community it is, then! But that’s very far from everything! Apart from that, you will engage in:
1. A practical project to alleviate trauma and its impact on the world
Oh, YES! We will put our heads and hearts together to decrease the grip of trauma in the world in practical, concrete ways: 10€ of everyone’s ticket is reserved for a money pot. We then decide together how to use it to become active, engaged actors who proactively tackle trauma. Just think of the practically infinite possibilities. What will you co-create?
2. Mastermind-like support groups
Each club member is assigned to a small, intimate support group, with other random members. You will meet your buddies about twenty times, in the weeks without a club session (sessions are every two weeks). The idea is to support each other’s progress, share personal challenges, tackle questions we don’t get to during the club sessions, watch impactful videos and read powerful articles on the topics we’re exploring, and generally supercharge our progress towards integration and freedom from trauma’s maladaptations.
3. Enjoying the tools and meeting notes we all generate
You will have access to all the resources on trauma that we compile together, and also to the summaries of the discussions of all the club sessions. Imagine missing a session, but still understanding all the rich dialogue that took place. Then, maybe you can bring up one of the discussion branches to the next buddy group meeting
Practical details
Dates: from Thursday 16th February to 21st December 2023.
Group meeting times: every second Thursday at 20:00 CE(S)T, 90 minutes each
Buddy group meeting times: decided by each group, recommendation for 1/week
Platforms: Zoom, Hylo, Telegram
Apart from the discount shown on the product page, there’s a €100 group discount when you join with two+ other people from the same community, collective, team, group, even family. (You can get the discount even after you get your individual entry ) Use these posters to search for buddies:
Still have questions?
We might have already answered them! Scroll up and click on the FAQs tab. Otherwise, get in touch.